Jana Matejová
Author’s affiliation: Supreme Administrative Court SR

(Not)Interested in Grand Chambers in Slovakia?

Jurisprudence 5/2021 Section: Articles Page: 21-28

Keywords: Grand chamber, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic, comparison of Slovak and Czech Legislation of grand chambers

Abstract: The author deals with the Grand Chambers of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic and the newly established Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic. The author also defines their common features and contrasts, and points out the relevant differences in the legislation of grand chambers of supreme courts of the Czech Republic. The initial enthusiasm for the establishment of grand chambers in the Slovak Republic was replaced by a far different reality – a simple, clear, and quick unification of inconsistent case law did not take place. The grand chambers have been accompanied by scepticism and disinterest since the very beginning. The reasons are not easy to find, nevertheless the author tries to do so in the article through the characteristics of grand chambers and the basic principles of their operation proposed by Ondřej Kadlec.
